Ex Police / Detective Agency / Private Investigators in Hertfordshire, London & South East

Ex-Police. Detective Agency. Private Investigators in Hertfordshire.

Linked In Comment 2021
Posted on 17 June, 2021 at 11:00
In 2020/2021 we actually recruited SIX University Students studying Law and / or Criminology Degrees, to help us on a 'pro bono' Conspiracy to Murder File that we are reviewing for the Defendant who had wrongly been convicted and had received 30 years!
We were equally very impressed with our 6 students (all ladies by the way!) and we still hope that their assistance & Reports will help us take this conviction back to the Appeal Court!
If anyone wants to know more please feel free to contact us at www.johnbateman.co.uk but that said, the idea was to support Kate PRESTIDGE's Post, that we need to have faith in the young students that come through our further education system! Regards John Bateman MIPI
Mail On Line 02.03.2021
John Bateman (mipi) NOT John Bateman (mipi)
Posted on 3 March, 2021 at 11:04
Former Hertfordshire Police officer John Bateman MIPI & EPIC, who now runs a private investigations firm P&D Investigations Ltd, told MailOnline: 'As a police officer you wouldn't want any part of the crime scene disturbed.
'Any police force in the UK would want a scene as close as possible to how it was found.
'They would want members of the public to leave it as it was found until they could establish whether this was a suspicious death or death by natural causes.' .....................
Unprecedented Times!!
Posted on 4 May, 2020 at 7:35
Unprecedented Times!!
P&D Investigations Limited has been trading some 26+ years now and NEVER in that entire period have we, probably like most businesses in UK, ever experienced anything like this!!
We are aware that the longevity of our Company means that maybe we are in a better position to try and ride this out. However, and the main reason for this blog, is to hope that ALL of our Current, Past and Future clients stay well and stay safe because no matter what income we do or do not have, if we or our relatives are not here!!, then there is little point. Many clients we never meet but that doesn't mean that the ones we often speak to every day that we do not have that true affection for them and gratitude that they put the food on our table.
We would love to have that cure or vaccine because there is little doubt that this will rumble on and on, well after any lockdown is lifted. It is truly concerning but we must and will all stay strong.
These are genuine thoughts and not looking for publicity but a period when we have so much time for reflection and thinking of others?
Please take care
Regards John Bateman (mipi)
Private Detectives - a brief history
Posted on 11 November, 2019 at 10:54
Private Detectives - a brief history.
The term Private Detective or Private Investigator has been around since Victorian Times and as the UK Police sadly become less and less effective, the quality of Service provided by them becomes poorer and thus the need to engage a Detective Agency or a PI has become more prevalent. Equally the Private Investigator has always offered Services outside the remit of the Police, especially in aspects of the 'cheating partner'.
Where P&D Investigations Limited specialize, is in the Commercial, Insurance & Criminal investigatory angles - we regularly gather evidence which is presented to the various authorities to facilitate a criminal investigation and subsequent prosecution.
The investigative field of a PI is now immense and we embrace over 40 categories within our List of Services but the table is almost endless, with TRACING being very popular. Alas the Private Investigator market is now flooded with companies and some remain quite ordinary in their abilities & skills and even boasting covering areas that they do NOT - thus it is vital that a client ensures that the PI holds the right qualifications, experience and Memberships.
Recently the Private Detective's reputation has been tarnished with events such as Phone Hacking and Newspaper scandals but P&D Investigations Limited prides itself in its very professional background, approach and over 27 years in the profession alone, aside from our police experience.
The world has become smaller and the availability of information is now vast - we always encourage our clients to try and carry out their own research and 'digging' before utilizing us but like any profession you cannot beat the help of the expert!! Surveillance is an art not a science.
We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the very best service in the industry throughout Hertfordshire, London, the Home Counties and beyond!!
John Bateman (mipi)
PS please see our Guestbook for comments about us
Long Lost Family - PAOLI & GOLD
Posted on 2 July, 2018 at 10:09
P&D Investigations Limited are acting for a private client, who is desperate to find their long lost family; Susan Karen GOLD (possibly PAOLI) born in 1959 and her daughter Simona PAOLI (possibly GOLD) born in 1981. They could be anywhere in the world!! Do you know them?? Please please share this post and help US make contact with these ladies. Thank you in advance!
Been a while!
Posted on 6 May, 2018 at 9:31
John Bateman (mipi): Posted on 06 May 2018 12:44
It has been a while since I last blogged but that is a compliment to how busy P&D Investigations Limited continues to be - please do take a look at our guest book http://www.johnbateman.co.uk/Guest-Book.html
In all the time we have been trading (24+ years now) we have always received a very wide range of instructions from Process to Tracing to Surveillance to Criminal Conviction Appeals and at present we have two VERY large Appeals running on the most serious of offences!! Finding that 'new' piece of evidence can be the most challenging of what we do, as the conviction has already been through the legal system (maybe even twice) and deeply tested / examined in every way. We promise our clients that we are doing our utmost to look for that crucial item of proof to help their case - we cannot imagine what it must be like to be locked up for something you have not done OR been convicted of an offence (in particular 'joint enterprise'), which you are not guilty of.
Well the sun is out and summer is nearly here but our work does not stop!!
All the best to our readers.
Where has Summer gone?
Posted on 29 August, 2017 at 8:51
Wow those 8 months have flown by and where has our summer gone??
Nevertheless the PI world and our investigations are relentless - we have to ensure that we prioritize our work load accordingly, from Tracing for an Australian client who has lost contact with family, urgent investigations concerning a conviction for handling stolen goods to locating and Interviewing a witness relating to the possible Appeal of a Murder Conviction but we never forget how important EVERY inquiry is for each of our clients, from Private to Commercial to Insurance to Criminal investigations.
We think September 2017 will be busy as people and our clients get back to work from their holidays but please do enjoy the last few drops of sunshine!!
Flying start to 2017
Posted on 9 January, 2017 at 6:53
Well 2017 is here and we are off to a flying start with a variety of work flooding in - must have been bottle necked from 2016 - from matters for Private clients, to Tracing, to Criminal investigations (Burglary, Theft and a large deception) to Cyber inquiries, so our investigators are being kept busy!!
Happy New Year to you all and may it continue to be a prosperous one. John Bateman MIPI
Another year over !!
Posted on 21 December, 2016 at 8:32
Well that is virtually 2016 all over and done with for another 12 months and we would like to extend our sincere thanks and best wishes to ALL of our Clients from Commercial, to Insurance, to Criminal (sounds bad) or Legal to Private and may you all have a Happy New Year.
Let us all hope that Brexit does not hit us too hard !!
Been around a long time !
Posted on 11 January, 2016 at 12:16
The term Private Detective or Private Investigator has been around since Victorian Times and as the UK Police sadly become less and less, the quality of Service provided by them becomes poorer and thus the need to engage a PI has become more prevalent. Equally the Private Investigator has always offered Services outside the remit of the Police, especially in aspects of the 'cheating partner'.
Where P&D Investigations Limited specialize, is in the Commercial, Insurance & Criminal investigatory angles - we regularly gather evidence which is presented to the various authorities to facilitate a criminal investigation and subsequent prosecution.
The investigative field of a PI is now immense and we embrace over 40 categories within our List of Services but the table is almost endless. Alas the Private Investigator market is now flooded with companies and some remain quite ordinary in their abilities & skills - it is vital that a client ensures that the PI holds the right qualifications, experience and Memberships.
Recently the Private Detective's reputation has been tarnished with events such as Phone Hacking and Newspaper scandals but P&D Investigations Limited prides itself in its very professional background, approach and over 20 years in the profession alone, aside from our police experience.
The world has become smaller and the availability of information is now vast - we always encourage our clients to try and carry out their own research and 'digging' before utilizing us but like any profession you cannot beat the help of the expert!! Surveillance is an art not a science.
We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the very best service in the industry throughout Hertfordshire, London and the Home Counties. John Bateman (mipi)